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Kyūshū National Museum:
The Kyūshū National Museum exhibits all kinds of historical pieces of Kyūshūs history. Here you can see Japans cultural progress from the stone age to the begin of the Meiji-period in 1868. The Yamakasa festivals older Kakiyama are also on display there.

Permanent display of a Kazariyama

Since the year 2005 one of the Kazariyamas of the festival has been on display here in the museum and allows people to feel the magic of the festival even if the can’t be there during the festivities.

This Kazariyama is was built in 2005 by Tenjin 1st Street and was its very first Kazariyama. The Kazariyama is set up inside, which is why it does not need the typical surrounding hut [see Yamagoya]. It is also possible to look down at the Kazariyama from the second floor.

The way of fixing the carrying poles to the framework with only rope canalso be examined on this specimen.
With the Kazariyama on display at the Kushida-shrine and the on at the arcade in Kamikawabata-toori it is one of the only permanent Kazariyama.

In 2007 the museum was visited by Japans Tennō, who showed particular interest in the festival.


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