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Yamakasa Trivia

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Yamakasa-NaviKnowledge & TriviaTriviaSharps of the authorities

Sharps of the authorities

While the spun towel around the head represents a title, the sashes show the role, that someone has during the festivities. There are four different colors of sashes each indicating the task of the person wearing it.
The districts all select their own authorities own of people that are up to the task. The sashes are commonly called Nejineji and are made by spinning the two different colored towels together.

Traffic overseers (green and white)

The people wearing the green and white sashes keep the traffic in check during the major events of the fesival. They redirect cars, make sure poeple aren’t parking in wrong areas and make bycicle drivers slow down at crowded places. This is all to ensure the safety of the onlookers.

Forerunners (yellow and white)

These officials run infront of the Kakiyama and make sure no one is in the way of the Kakiyama. They also sometimes assist the Traffic overseers.

Pilots (blue and white)

The carriers on the far right and left in the front row are responsible for steering the Kakiyama into the right direction. This is very hard to do correctly and only the experienced participants are chosen by the district to steer the Kakiyama and carry the blue and white sash.

Controllers (red and white)

The carriers, that have been selected to sit on top of the Kakiyama, give oders to the other carriers and shout encouragement to the other carriers. They wear the red and white sashes.


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